This month's spotlight Sheriff Deputy is Joyce Rogers.
Deputy Rogers has lived in Tulia for seventeen and a half years. When asked what she liked about living in Swisher County, she replied, "I like the small town (Tulia) friendly atmosphere. Everyone is friendly regardless of the their background. I have friends of all colors. I became particularly aware of how supportive the people of Tulia are when my husband passed away. There were so many people to help in any way possible, that I can't remember all of them." Deputy Rogers was hired by Sheriff Stewart in November of 1991, after he was appointed Sheriff of Swisher County. One of the jailers was moved to the (outside) deputy position that was open. She was then hired as jailer. Deputy Rogers' family is supportive and very proud of her. She is on the board of directors for the Driskill Halfway House. Her hobbies include bowling and motorcycles. Deputy Rogers added, "I would like for my grandchildren to grow up in a color blind society were we would all be judged by our attitude and actions toward others."
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